4.3 - Teachers/trainer’s feedback


As a Quality Manager, it is important that you gather teachers’/trainers’ feedback about the learning
environment to review their practice. Teachers’ and trainers’ feedback is important, because it
influences the learning process, but also results of their learners. There are several elements that
need to be included in the teacher/trainer feedback process, such as the facilities and equipment
available in order to give proper classes to their students.

Why is this important for you as a QM?

  • To not only have student feedback, but also teachers’/trainers’ feedback, to improve their working conditions and thus have more motivated teachers, which eventually improves the education;
  • To propose remedial actions whenever issues are raised;
  • To contribute more to the overall improvement of your VET institution. The teachers/trainers will feel that their opinions are being considered, they will feel more involved in the decision-making process;
  • To simplify teachers’ work. Through obtaining their feedback, this could be done better.

How should I implement the action?

  • The easiest way to obtain feedback, in this case, is by spreading a survey to the teachers/trainers for them to complete anonymously;
  • Ask the teachers to specify their (personal) needs and requirements for providing successful classes and try to focus on those in the teachers’/trainers’ evaluation process;
  • Assess whether teachers feel taken seriously and safe within the school building(s) and beyond;
  • Assess whether the teachers work in a positive working climate in which they feel encouraged to work professionally;
  • Assess whether the teachers/trainers have enough and the right facilities and equipment to implement their programme properly;
  • Assess whether the teachers/trainers have a close connection to the relevant companies that could help them in providing education;
  • Assess whether the teachers/trainers are happy with the contribution to their development provided by their VET institution;
  • Assess the level of autonomy the teachers/trainers have when doing their job (decision making, etc.;
  • To reinforce the effectiveness of the teacher/trainer feedback, focus groups can be organised to obtain arguments to the feedback for example;
  • Make sure the teachers/trainers know that actions will be taken according to their feedback, thus they will know that they aren’t providing feedback for nothing;
  • Obtain teacher feedback every three months.

How should I know if I have made impact thus increasing the quality of the VET provision and to which extent? (Indicators also linked with the EQAVET if any):

  • If there is substantial feedback obtained from teachers/trainers, that enables you to take action to improve their job conditions and thus eventually the education of students;
  • If the completion rate in VET programmes increases by at least 25%, as the teacher feedback will be obtained regularly and actions will be taken to improve their working conditions, thus the education they provide;
  • If there is eventually utilization of acquired skills at the workplace by the (graduated) students, as they have been trained in the best possible way, amongst others, due to teacher feedback acquirement which provides important points for improvement of the education;
  • The unemployment rate can be affected negatively if the teachers’/trainers’ feedback is not being acquired and if there are no follow-up actions to this feedback. Then, the teachers might provide education of a lower quality than would be possible. This could have an impact on the qualifications, skills and competences of the graduated students, which could stop them from landing a job. Thus, if the unemployment rate of the entrepreneurship education graduates in your VET institution decreases by at least 10% after one year of putting this action into practice, you have successfully implemented this action;
  • Improvement of entrepreneurship education for vulnerable groups (certain adjustments to the programme for example). The teacher/trainer feedback is also important in case of working with vulnerable groups; teacher feedback can help improve the VET education for these groups.

Links & further readings (includes also third-party resources- videos, etc.):

  • IN-QUAL project’s Common Reference Framework, chapter 2. Standard principals and indicators of entrepreneurship education providers
  • IN-QUAL project’s Guidelines:
  • G 3 – Ensure internal and external evaluations
  • G 4 – Include feedback into daily practices and procedures
  • G-10 - Study the different Engagement Tools and choose the more appropriate to the situation
  • Cedefop (2015). Supporting internal quality management and quality culture. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Cedefop Reference series; No 99.
Unit 4
Time - Preparatory phase:
Low: 1 hour to 1 day
Time - Regular tasks:
High: every day
Time - Length of commitment:
High: > 1 month
HR - Number of staff members:
Medium: Up to 50% of staff
HR - Commitment by staff members:
High: More than 1 month
Economic investment:
Medium: Investment is option
ICT skills:
Suggested Cards: before reading the current one:
Suggested Cards: after reading the current one: