The person who oversees all activities and tasks needed to maintain a desired level of excellence. This includes the determination of a quality policy, creating and implementing quality planning and assurance, and quality control and quality improvement. In general, quality managers manage the quality of services in business organisations. They ensure the quality of in-house company operations such as customer requirements and service quality standards. Quality services managers monitor the company's performance and implement changes where necessary.

Source:ESCO - European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations

4.6 - External Evaluation


Feedback is often collected from students and from teachers and trainers, but, as a Quality
Manager, you should not underestimate the importance of having external feedback on the
activities and on the results of the training.

4.5 - Data Collection


As a Quality Manager you should consider the importance of data collection. Data collection is the
systematic process of gathering data for official statistics and it is a process of reviewing, studying,
examining, and questioning the data in order to find patterns, anomalies and trends. The main
purpose of data collection and analysis
is to contribute to the improvement of the in-house capacity
to collect data and achieve higher quality information; and in due course achieve better VET learners’

4.4 - Three indicators to track learners’ achievements


Individual learners’ achievements depend on a variety of factors: some of them are external, but
many relate directly to the quality of VET provision. The EQAVET framework offers three specific
indicators which can help you track learners’ achievements and use the data collected to improve the
overall quality of your VET provision.

4.1 - Learners’ feedback – learning experience


In order to meet the needs of the learners and thus to provide the best VET entrepreneurship
education possible, as a Quality Manager you need to gain learner feedback on their learning
. Thus, education can be improved in a way that enables learners to make the most of

3.1 - Design the links with and engage the external collaborator


To enhance the quality of education and make your VET institution a dynamic educational
environment, it is important to design links with external collaborators, but also to engage them in
your educational practices. As Quality Manager, you should be aware that, for VET providers,
cooperation with external stakeholders and in particular the world of work is a key activity with
many different benefits for the quality of the training.

2.9 - Organising needed infrastructure and resources


As a Quality Manager you should also consider the planning of physical and material resources.
Correct and timely planning resources are essential for the training development according to all
quality requirements. The training characteristics dictate the conditions required in terms of: facilities
(infrastructure and space), human resources and equipment.

2.5 - Allocating the right human resources


Allocating the right human resources is a key factor in the success of any training organization. As a
QM, you need to group all the information about the objectives to be achieved, starting contexts,
entrepreneurs profile identification, etc. In order to define the proper human resources organization,
you need to define:

1.4 - What should I do as a quality manager


As Quality Manager, you should foster and raise awareness of the quality culture in the VET provider
and make it clear to your staff colleagues. You are responsible for the training policy and its general
management and coordination, ensuring:

1.1 - Entrepreneurship education


A Quality Manager needs to have a clear idea about what entrepreneurship is in Europe, as there is no international consensus about its definition and there is still no consensus about what the distinctive elements of entrepreneurship as a competence are.

The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (JRC, 2016) defines entrepreneurship as “Entrepreneurship is when you act upon opportunities and ideas and transform them into value for others. The value that is created can be financial, cultural, or social” (FFE – YE, 2012).


2.7 - Time Management


Time Management is a key element of Quality Management. As Quality Manager, you should learn
to be familiar with the Triple Constraint, also called the Project Management Triangle. This is a
model that can be used to identify the key elements that describe the overall Quality of a project.
These elements are Scope, Cost, and Time.

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