Any organisation or individual providing education or training services. Education and training providers may be organisations specifically set up for this purpose, or they may be other bodies, such as employers who provide training as part of their business activities. Training providers also include independent individuals who offer services.

Source:CEDEFOP - Terminology of European education and training policy

4.6 - External Evaluation


Feedback is often collected from students and from teachers and trainers, but, as a Quality
Manager, you should not underestimate the importance of having external feedback on the
activities and on the results of the training.

3.1 - Design the links with and engage the external collaborator


To enhance the quality of education and make your VET institution a dynamic educational
environment, it is important to design links with external collaborators, but also to engage them in
your educational practices. As Quality Manager, you should be aware that, for VET providers,
cooperation with external stakeholders and in particular the world of work is a key activity with
many different benefits for the quality of the training.

1.4 - What should I do as a quality manager


As Quality Manager, you should foster and raise awareness of the quality culture in the VET provider
and make it clear to your staff colleagues. You are responsible for the training policy and its general
management and coordination, ensuring:

1.3 - EQAVET system: an EU-approved framework for quality management


EQAVET (European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for VET) is a framework for quality management in VET institutions comprising four common quality criteria and ten quality indicators.

This set of quality criteria and indicators, first introduced in 2009 by the European Union, is intended as a ‘toolbox’ that you can apply in your VET institution to further develop your approach to quality management while preserving the system already in place.

1.2 - Plan – Do – Check – Act: four cyclical steps for quality control and improvement


The PDCA Cycle is an iterative quality improvement model that you can apply to any aspect of the functioning of your VET institution. It consists of a logical sequence of four steps:

  • Plan: define a problem and hypothesize possible causes and solutions;

  • Do: implement a solution;

  • Check: evaluate the results;

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