Acronym for “Plan-Do-Check-Act”. It is an iterative quality improvement model consisting of a logical sequence of four steps:

  • Plan: define a problem and hypothesize possible causes and solutions;
  • Do: implement a solution;
  • Check: evaluate the results;
  • Act: return to the Plan step if the results are unsatisfactory, or standardise the solution if the results are satisfactory.

Source: The Deming Institute

1.3 - EQAVET system: an EU-approved framework for quality management


EQAVET (European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for VET) is a framework for quality management in VET institutions comprising four common quality criteria and ten quality indicators.

This set of quality criteria and indicators, first introduced in 2009 by the European Union, is intended as a ‘toolbox’ that you can apply in your VET institution to further develop your approach to quality management while preserving the system already in place.

5.3 - Quality Improvement for next course


If you are a VET provider with a long-term perspective of providing high quality courses, you need to
learn from your mistakes
. It’s now time to implement the last part of the PDCA Cycle (Plan – Do-
Check and Act). The last step of the Cycle suggests that you as Quality Manager “return to the Plan
step if the results are unsatisfactory or standardise the solution if the results are satisfactory”. This
card will indeed suggest some tips on how to improve the quality of your next courses through a

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