Acronym for: Continuing Vocational Education and Training. It follows the iVET and is part of lifelong learning. It may encompass any kind of education (general, specialised or vocational, formal or non-formal, etc.) and it is crucial for the employability of individuals.

Source: EQAVET Glossary

5.2 - Make your results publicly available


The procedure of the review has taken place and the results are available. You, as QM, provide
information on the above results and make them publicly available especially for the stakeholders,
who were included in the previous phases. In order for the VET organisation to be aligned with quality
standards, it has to share and use the data collected among relevant stakeholders and at the same
time provide evidence to policy makers that the review has taken place.

2.4 - Setting Goals


You, as a QM, regarding each process of the QMS - Quality Management System, can define the goals
you want to achieve and the way you can monitor them. Setting goals means to:

1.3 - EQAVET system: an EU-approved framework for quality management


EQAVET (European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for VET) is a framework for quality management in VET institutions comprising four common quality criteria and ten quality indicators.

This set of quality criteria and indicators, first introduced in 2009 by the European Union, is intended as a ‘toolbox’ that you can apply in your VET institution to further develop your approach to quality management while preserving the system already in place.

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