Acronym for Vocational Education and Training. Education and training which aims to equip people with knowledge, know-how, skills and/or competences required in particular occupations or more broadly on the labour market.

Source:CEDEFOP - Terminology of European education and training policy

5.2 - Make your results publicly available


The procedure of the review has taken place and the results are available. You, as QM, provide
information on the above results and make them publicly available especially for the stakeholders,
who were included in the previous phases. In order for the VET organisation to be aligned with quality
standards, it has to share and use the data collected among relevant stakeholders and at the same
time provide evidence to policy makers that the review has taken place.

4.6 - External Evaluation


Feedback is often collected from students and from teachers and trainers, but, as a Quality
Manager, you should not underestimate the importance of having external feedback on the
activities and on the results of the training.

4.3 - Teachers/trainer’s feedback


As a Quality Manager, it is important that you gather teachers’/trainers’ feedback about the learning
environment to review their practice. Teachers’ and trainers’ feedback is important, because it
influences the learning process, but also results of their learners. There are several elements that
need to be included in the teacher/trainer feedback process, such as the facilities and equipment
available in order to give proper classes to their students.

4.2 - Learners’ feedback – teaching environment


As a Quality Manager you should be aware that students will be more motivated to learn in a
teaching environment that meets their needs and thus, it is important to obtain feedback from
students about the teaching environment. This needs to be done regularly, preferably every three
months and should consider all details of the teaching environment. Eventually, this might contribute
to the participation and completion rates in VET programmes.

4.1 - Learners’ feedback – learning experience


In order to meet the needs of the learners and thus to provide the best VET entrepreneurship
education possible, as a Quality Manager you need to gain learner feedback on their learning
. Thus, education can be improved in a way that enables learners to make the most of

3.1 - Design the links with and engage the external collaborator


To enhance the quality of education and make your VET institution a dynamic educational
environment, it is important to design links with external collaborators, but also to engage them in
your educational practices. As Quality Manager, you should be aware that, for VET providers,
cooperation with external stakeholders and in particular the world of work is a key activity with
many different benefits for the quality of the training.

2.9 - Organising needed infrastructure and resources


As a Quality Manager you should also consider the planning of physical and material resources.
Correct and timely planning resources are essential for the training development according to all
quality requirements. The training characteristics dictate the conditions required in terms of: facilities
(infrastructure and space), human resources and equipment.

2.5 - Allocating the right human resources


Allocating the right human resources is a key factor in the success of any training organization. As a
QM, you need to group all the information about the objectives to be achieved, starting contexts,
entrepreneurs profile identification, etc. In order to define the proper human resources organization,
you need to define:

2.4 - Setting Goals


You, as a QM, regarding each process of the QMS - Quality Management System, can define the goals
you want to achieve and the way you can monitor them. Setting goals means to:

1.4 - What should I do as a quality manager


As Quality Manager, you should foster and raise awareness of the quality culture in the VET provider
and make it clear to your staff colleagues. You are responsible for the training policy and its general
management and coordination, ensuring:

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