The 2008 EQF recommendation defines learning outcomes as ‘…statements of what an individual should know, understand and/or be able to do at the end of a learning process’. The learning outcomes perspective is used for a number of different purposes, the most important being:

  • Qualifications frameworks and their level descriptors

  • Qualification standards

  • Curriculum development

  • Assessment and validation

  • Quality assurance

  • Teaching and training

For all these purposes the learning outcomes approach strengthens the focus on the individual learner and the level of knowledge, skills and competence s/he is expected to achieve. This balances a traditional focus on education and training input, notably on duration and location of learning.


1.1 - Educação para o empreendedorismo


Um Gestor da Qualidade precisa de ter uma ideia clara sobre o que é o empreendedorismo na Europa, uma vez que não existe consenso internacional sobre a sua definição e ainda não existe consenso sobre quais são os elementos distintivos do empreendedorismo como competência.

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